Monday, April 23, 2012

Windows & gutters

Low maintaince and appearance is on the scales against budget. We have decided on aluminium windows, originally we were looking at composite - alu have won for sleeker , thinner design, while still meeting current building regs. I am aiming for the windows to blend and enhance the brick work, avoiding a loud shouting frame.

After getting 5 quotes, even being told by one company that their estimating team were too busy to quote!! We have settled on a local company, to supply and install - the original price began at £35,000!!!! We are now down to a 1/3 !! It shows it can pay to spend time sending out quite requests and haggling!

To match the windows we are having aluminium gutters - the kitchen table is still littered with slate, gutter samples and bricks, as we try to decide on a shade of grey... Just when we choose, one of us ask if green or cream may be good?!!!!?? We didn't realise thereafter do many styles, square or semi round??

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