Thursday, February 21, 2008

Decisions Decisions...

I've been thinking, there must be more sociable and modern ways of reducing our carbon footprint and being planet friendly, than taking the light bulbs out and boycotting supermarkets. David and the girls are a little fed up of being in the dark with no 'food'!. So i'm considering ground source heat pump and solar panels for the hot water. The solar panels can be quite ugly but then again so is a world without trees, so i really must think green!

The Ground source heat pumps will take about 5 yrs to re-coup the costs but there is so much mixed info- Google just does not help! So my My bed time reading IS REALLY BECOMING EXCITING 'The Green Self Build'

click on the green books icon for website to buy. Green Books banner 1


Sophie@WardrobeDesign said...

I've had fun reading your blog, it's great that your sharing your project.
ave you looked at a wind turbine, there's some interesting feed in tarriff deals
Good luck with your project

Wardrobe Design

Loweroak Barn Conversion said...

Hello Sophie, thanks for reading & glad you enjoyed my rants! Do you have experience of wind turbines?